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Combat Hapkido - Tactical Pressure Points Vol.1

Artikelnummer: BUDO-CHTTP1
In this all new, state-of-the-art, instructional DVD series, Master  Mark Gridley presents and clearly explains the use of Pressure Points in  Self Defense.
The Combat Hapkido "Tactical Pressure Points" program is  the result of many years of study and research with the guidance and  assistance of the World's leading experts and it is based on sound,  practical and modern Self Defense principles without the excessive  complexity or the mystical hype of other pressure point systems.

The  Combat Hapkido "Tactical Pressure Points" course is widely used by Law  Enforcement agencies around the World and can be integrated into any  Martial Arts program.
Volume 1 Apprentice Instructor Course. Volume 2  Associate Instructor Course. Volume 3 Instructor Course. Volume 4 Senior  Instructor Course.

Language: -French - English - Spanish - Italian


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