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Dan Zan Ryu Ju-Jitsu Vol.4 Oku No Kata Combination Arts

Artikelnummer: DVD-WC104
Dan Zan Ryu Ju-Jitsu Vol.4
Oku No Kata Combination Arts

By Professor Henry S. Okazaki & John K. Cahill Sr.

Now we are into the advance techniques of the Danzan Ryu (aka Kodenkan) Jujitsu System as taught by Professor Henry S. Okazaki. It is a combination of Yawara, Shime No Kata and Nage No Kata all rolled into one package.

You willlearn how to blend the arts together, such as a throw into the arm bar, or chokes or grappling techniques.
These are some of the arts that were favorites of Professor Sig Kufferath he was a master of Oku No Kata and beyond.

Professor Okazaki also had visions of seeing his arts elevated to a higher Ievei, included in this video are advanced techniques that go beyond the teachings of Oku No Kata.

Participants: Professor Joe Souza, Tony DeBattista, Eric Renner, Chris Cheung, and special guests lmi Okazaki- Mullins, and Myrtle Okazaki- Oberman.

Language: English
Running Time: 50 Minutes


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