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Kendoka The new Samurai

Artikelnummer: RS659
The documentary explores the exciting world of Kendo. Kendo is perhaps the most interesting of the Japanese martial arts. It is the study and practice of samurai swordsmanship. However far from being an ancient or antiquated pursuit, modern Kendo is a lightening fast, FULL contact, combat sport. In Japan Kendo is taught as part of the school's curriculum and is practiced by men and women of all ages. However here in Britain Kendo is devoutly practiced by less than a thousand individuals from diverse backgrounds. It is these brave and dedicated martial artists who will bring the grueling story of the British National Kendo Squad's preparations this year's World Championships to the screen. The World championships are being hosted by the British and the battle lines will be drawn in Glasgow, Scotland. The film which has exclusive access to the British Squad and


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