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Shaolin Chi Sim Weng Chun Kung Fu

Artikelnummer: DVD-BM201
18,99 €
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Shaolin Chi Sim Weng Chun 

Saam Baai Fut "Three Bow's to Buddha"

By Grandmaster Andreas Hoffman

The first tape in the second series of Wing Chun tapes produced in association with the Ving Tsun Museum, this historical tape contains the firstvideo materialever available to the public on the Chi Sim Weng Chun kung fu system.
lt features demonstration of the set by the Grand Masterand successor to the style, Andreas Hoffmann, as weil as applications for the movements.
Curator Benny Meng of the Ving Tsun Museum also discusses the historical background of Chi Sim Weng Chun Kuen and its relationship to other Wing Chun branches.

This film contains the set called Saam Baai Fut - meaning Three Bows to Buddha.
This is the heart of Chi Sim Weng Chun.
ln this set, the student learns to multiply energy through the waist as in bowing.
Every technique in Weng Chun has a special bow to add power and structure.
When the skill of Saam Baai Fut is mastered, a practitioner can rob the energy of an experienced opponent, or even prevent it from arising at all.
This setalso introduces the concept of thinking vertically as weil as horizontally and laterally through bowing to Heaven (high), Human (middle) and Earth (low).
lts focus is to expand the ability of the Weng Chun Kuen practitioner to cover all of space and time.
This set is called Saam Baai Fut because the student bows once for the Dharma (teaching).
once for fellow students, and once to the Buddha nature within.

Language: English
Running Time: 37 Minutes


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