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Shaolin Black Flag Wing Chun Vol.1 Basic Movements

Artikelnummer: DVD-BM013
Shaolin Black Flag Wing Chun

Basic Movements - Fujian Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun

Presented by Ving Tsun Museum - Master Benny Meng

This is the first in a series of videos presented by the Ving Tsun Museum on the Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun system.
The Wing Chun system, also spelled “Ving Tsun,” is a system with deep roots and many branches, which are called lineages.
The Shaolin Black Flag Wing Chun DVDs represent the very first time the Hek Ki Boen Wing Chun system has ever been recorded in the history of the lineage dating back over three centuries.

This first video covers the basics movements of the system and fundamental drills - with enough instruction for beginners and enough detail for experts - and all martial art practitioners will appreciate the beauty, depth, practicality, efficiency, and wisdom of this great system.
According to VTM research, HKB represents one of the oldest lineages in the system with training exercises and theory connecting to the Southern Shaolin Temple.
This Shaolin Black Flag Wing Chun Hek Ki Boen DVD series showcases the essence of Wing Chun and what makes Wing Chun......Wing Chun!

The information is presented in several formats throughout the video - solo, partner demonstration, and application - giving you a chance to see the simplicity, directness, and efficiency of this Wing Chun lineage.

Instruction is led by Grand Master Benny Meng, Curator of the Ving Tsun Museum.

Language: English
Running Time: 60 Minutes


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