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Inayan Kadena-De-Mano Vol.1

Product SKU: KDM1
Inayan Kadena-de-Mano Eskrima is a filipino knife to knife, hand to hand and hand to knife style of Eskrima. Utilizing blocks, checks, traps, parries, ellbowchecks, ellbowparries, and strikes as well as "lock-flows" grappling drills. In a fast exchange of move and countermove, this style of Eskrima is an exciting and positive martial art to experience and practice. In this DVD, basic punching, parrying and blocking techniques will be shown as well as some Kadena-de- Mano hand to hand, knife to hand and knife to knife drills. Also the Kadena-de-Mano Lock Flow Drill Number 1 is demonstrated.


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