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Ninja Vol.3 Shuriken-Jutsu

Référence: DVD-HH003
Note :
18,99 €
TVA incl., plus envoi
Ninja Vol.3 Shuriken-Jutsu "Ninja Throwing Blades"

By Grandmaster Harunaka Hoshino

Grandmaster Harunaka Hoshino has established:
- San Francisco Japanese Sword Restoration Center, 1983
- England Ninja Society, 1992
- Kenjutsu Training Center, 1984
- Private Japanese Sword Museum, 1980
- Japanese Sword Study Group, 1977
- San Francisco Ninja Society, 1975
- The Japanese Martial Arts Training Center, 1973

Volume 3: Shuriken-Jutsu (Ninja Throwing Blades): 
Ninja warriors of feudal Japan are well known for their unique Shuriken throwing stars.
Master Harunaka Hoshino passes on these traditional throwing techniques to modern martial artists.
Features on this video:
- History and definitions: battlefield techniques, shuriken shapes (bo-shuriken & shaken)
- Techniques defined and demonstrated: Initial throwing poositions; standard, reverse, fake and spinning throws; throwing multiple shuriken; partner Ninja throws
- Training explained and demonstrated: pratice stars and coins, moving target, throw variety of shuriken, live targets, combine with blow-gundart

Language: English
Running Time: 25 Minutes

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