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3rd Aikido Friendship Demonstration Vol.1

Référence: DVD-23
Note :
19,99 €
TVA incl., plus envoi
Koichiro Yoshikawa (Kashima Shinto-Ryu)
Kenji Shimazu (Yagyu Shingan-Ryu)

Yomiuri Hall in Tokyo, 6. September 1978

The 3rd Friendship Demonstration was held in Tokyo on September 6, 1987 and features four in-depth lecture demonstrations on martial arts studied by Aikido Founder Morihei Ueshiba prior to the creation of Aikido.

The first demonstration presents Kashima Shinto-ryu, a traditional Japanese martial art school with a 500-year history whose sword has a clearly demonstrable influence on the development of Morihei Ueshiba’s Aiki Ken.
The Kashima Shinto-ryu is a composite system whose curriculum consists of the use of the bokken, yari, naginata, and other classical weapons.
The demonstration is conducted by Headmaster KO'shiro Yoshikawa and his students.

The second performance features a demonstration of Yagyu Shingan-ryu, a close relative of the Yagyu jujutsu school studied by Morihei Ueshiba around the period of 1904-1906 in Osaka.
This Yagyu school features sophisticated jujutsu techniques, the use of multiple weapons and techniques executed fully clad in armor.
The demonstration is performed by martial arts expert and historian Kenji Shimazu and his students.

The entire program includes an English voiceover of the Japanese commentary by Stanley Pranin.

Language: English
Running Time: 122 Minutes

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