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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu - Favorite Moves "Back Control and Attacks"

Artikelnummer: JAKE-00003DL
17,99 €
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By Rafael Freitas

Rafael "Barata" Freitas is one of the most exciting and creative BJJ fighters of all time.
He is famous for his submission - the "Baratoplata" but he also has a lot to teach on how to control the back position and get the submission.

Chapter listing:
1 Taking the back from turtle putting both hooks in
2 Collar choke with your head under his head and trapping an arm w the leg
3 Maintaining back control after losing the bottom hook
4 Maintaining back control after losing both hooks
5 Kimura grip control going to reverse triangle arm bar
6- Countering the escape going to head & arm Ezekiel choke
7 Countering the escape going to arm bar w arm trapped on the armpit
8 Getting the back from turtle w kimura grip with hook on the calf
9 Getting the back from turtle w kimura grip laying down

Language: English
Running Time: 68 Minutes


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