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Okinawan Karate - Traditions, History & Customs

Artikelnummer: YVS-471
21,00 €
exkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand
Learn about: The Dojo & Hojo Undo Training Equipment! Kobudo Weapons! Karate Training Methods! How karate is practiced in the land of its birth! Okinawan Karate Traditions, History & Customs presented by veteran Sensei Nick Flores gives a complete explanation of the etiquette of the dojo or martial arts training hall, the use of karate s specialized training equipment known as hojo undo, including the machiwara (makiwara) an explanation of karate s unique kobudo weapons and how Okinawan farmers used them to defend themselves and finally empty hand training methods and the use of pressure points and kata. A very enlightening DVD on how karate is actually practiced in the land of its birth.


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