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Fumio Demura's Ancient Okinawan Kobudo - Sai

Artikelnummer: EM3-85-3
24,99 €
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By Fumio Demura

The Sai is one of the most celebrated Okinawan Kobudo weapon.
In This Video you will learn 4 of the most famous Okinawan Sai katas, Kihon No Sai, Tawada No Sai, Chatan Yara No Sai and Tsuken Shittahaku No Sai kata which has been handed down directly to Senbsei Fumio Demura from his Sensei who learnt it directly from Taira Shinken.
Also you will learn the history of the Sai, how to choose the correct lenght of a Sai and many many basics outside the normal usage as only Sensei Demura can teach.

Language: English
Running Time: 58 Minutes


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