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Mastering Wing Chun Vol.14 Samuel Kwok 3 DVD Box Fight Seminar 2019

Artikelnummer: EM3-358-2
The Keys to Ip Man's Kung Fu

By Sifu Samuel Kwok

3 DVD Box Wing Chun “FIGHT” Seminar (2019 Long Beach CA)

Learn the secrets of the famous One Inch Punch and Takedowns.
Unleash the fury within you.
Techniques only work if the mindset is to survive.

Fighting on the outside of the opponent rather than facing them head on.
This position is at 30 degrees outside of the opponents lead shoulder, Wing Chun practitioner can strike with both their arms, while their opponent can only strike with one of their own arms due to poor positioning.
This is often referred to as “taking the blindside” or “fighting on the outside gate”.

(8 hr. Seminar edited into 3 hr. volume DVD Set.)
180 Minutes

Language: English


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